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⚠️ NOTAM ⚠️

Please be advised that the west taxiway from approximately the Normans' Lot (Lot 7) to the north run-up area is under grading prep for next week's application of RAP. It is presently coned. It’s best to use the east taxiway or back taxi on the runway.  Pilots, please be careful.  This grading could take 1–2 weeks.


Kelly Air Park – CO15

CTAF 123.05 | AWOS 134.375 | Denver FSS 122.25

Kelly Air Park  CO15

Kelly Airpark Annual Pancake Breakfast Fly-in

Saturday, July 12, 2025, 7:00 – 11:00 AM

Operating Procedures

Kelly Air Park (KAP) is a private residential aviation community with airplane and glider operations.  The airfield is located within Class G airspace and is for Day VFR flying. KAP does not have a control tower or runway/taxiway lighting.

KAP has NO FBO for non-resident aircraft parking nor Public Fuel available on the airfield. 

Those wishing to visit KAP by aircraft must be invited by a KAP lot owner and briefed on our procedures by an airpark resident. Please review all Kelly Air Park Operating Procedures before your arrival.

KAP should NOT be used as a destination for flight schools or for flight instruction for non-owners, with the exception of Black Forest Soaring Society (BFSS) student glider or tow pilot instruction.


An Aerobatic Box is located 3 miles due east of Kelly Air Park. Aerobatic activity is 7 days a week during daylight hours. FSS Point NOTAMS are in place for all local airports within a 50 nautical mile radius.

© 2024 Kelly Air Park

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