Operating Procedures
Kelly Air Park (KAP) is a private residential aviation community with airplane and glider operations. The airfield is located within Class G airspace and is for Day VFR flying. KAP does not have a control tower or runway/taxiway lighting.
KAP has NO FBO for non-resident aircraft parking nor Public Fuel available on the airfield.
Those wishing to visit KAP by aircraft must be invited by a KAP lot owner and briefed on our procedures by an airpark resident. Please review all Kelly Air Park Operating Procedures before your arrival.
KAP should NOT be used as a destination for flight schools or for flight instruction for non-owners, with the exception of Black Forest Soaring Society (BFSS) student glider or tow pilot instruction.
An Aerobatic Box is located 3 miles due east of Kelly Air Park. Aerobatic activity is 7 days a week during daylight hours. FSS Point NOTAMS are in place for all local airports within a 50 nautical mile radius.