Kelly Airpark Public Documents

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Governing Documents

KAP Articles of Incorporation – Published October 2009

KAP By-Laws – Published May 2018

KAP Declaration of Covenants – Published July 2024

KAP Plat Amendment IV – Published October 2013

KAP Development Plan & Guide – Published June 2024

KAP Planned Unit Development Graphic – Published May 2024


Operating Procedures & NOTAMS

KAP Information & Operating Procedures – Published June 2020

KAP Special Aerobatic Provisions – Published May 2024

KAP Grass Team NOTAM – Published May 2024


Architectural Control Committee Documents

ACC Application for Improvement – Published May 2014

ACC Application Procedures – Published May 2014

ACC Landscaping Guidelines – Published October 2009

ACC Reference Guide – Published September 2009

ACC Structure Checklist – Published May 2011


Other Documents

KAP Weed Management Guide – Published June 2020

KAP Scholarship Charter Application – Published July 2024